這衣服想表達漏網之魚還是蜘蛛網,來,看看。 This dress wants to express the fish or a spider web, come, look。
我滴乖乖,晚上燈光暗的地方,還以為是行走的大閘蟹,屬於時尚的前列腺上了,真替你後背的幾根繩子感到心疼,這繩子承受了太多不應該承受的壓力,我真怕它承受不起斷了,應該大碼以上得設計成鐵絲,穿上去就像得像一頭豬被五花大綁了,oh my god, night dark lights, thought it is walking hairy crabs, belong to the fashion on the prostate, really for you back a few rope feel distressed, the rope to bear too much should not bear the pressure, I really afraid it can't afford broken, should be more than large size design into the wire, wear up like like a pig was tied up,
歲月就是一把殺豬刀,可到了你這裡就變成了一包豬飼料,女人的腰,奪命的刀,你的刀呢?看了半天沒找到,這就是典型的虎背熊腰了,沒有腰不重要,你有自信在就可以了,唉,實在無語啊,真的有人敢設計,就有人敢穿,穿得像紅燒肉被捆成一塊塊的,只要自己不尷尬,尷尬是別人,梁靜茹看了以後都不敢唱勇氣了。 Time is a pig knife, but to you here into a bag of pig feed, a woman's waist, killing knife, your knife? For half a day didn't find, this is the typical tiger back bear waist, no waist is not important, you have confidence in can, alas, speechless , dare to design, really someone dare to wear, wear like braise in soy sauce meat is tied into pieces, as long as they are not embarrassed, embarrassed is others, leong after all dare to sing courage。
好了,這期內容先說到這,關注小月,帶你看人間百態,品百味人生,我們下篇文章見。拜拜! Well, this issue of content first to say this, pay attention to xiao yue, take you to see the world, the taste of life, we see the next article,bye-bye.